Jumatano, 31 Julai 2013
Wavutaji Sigara wa Jijini Nairobi wanavyodhibitiwa kutovuta hovyo sigara mtaani

Jumapili, 28 Julai 2013
Kivuko cha zamani kilichokuwa kikitumiwa na wananchi wa Ngara kuvuka mto Rusumo.
Kivuko cha zamani kilichokuwa kikitumiwa na wananchi wa Ngara kuvuka mto Rusumo.
Kivuko kipya cha MV Ruvuvu katika mto Rusumo kilichozinduliwa na Rais Kikwete Jumamosi Julai 27, 2013.

Rais Kikwete akishiriki kupiga ngoma na kikundi cha utamaduni cha Ngara wakati wa uzinduzi wa kivuko cha MV Ruvuvu katika mto Rusumo wilayani Ngara.
Rais Kikwete akipiga picha ya kumbukumbu na wananchi wa Ngara baada ya kuzindua kivuko cha MV Ruvuvu katika mto Rusumo Jumamosi Julai 27, 2013.
Mjumbe wa Kamati Kuu ya Halmashauri Kuu ya Taifa ya CCM Balozi Seif akizungumza na Vijana wa CCM wa Kikundi cha Hatudanganyiki cha Mkoa wa Kaskazini Pemba kwenye ukumbi wa Mikutano wa Jamuhuri Wete Kisiwani Pemba.
Balozi Seif akiwafariji Ndugu na Jamaa wa Mwanaharakati wa Chama cha Mapinduzi Chake chake Pemba Marehemu Fatma Omar Khatib aliyefariki Dunia hivi karibuni baada ya kugongwa na gari Mjini Chake.
Mjumbe wa Kamati Kuu ya Halmashauri Kuu ya Taifa ya CCM Balozi Seif akisalimiana, kumkagua hali na kubadilishana nae mawazo mwanaharakati wa Chama cha Mapinduzi Bibi Habiba Ali Hamadi nyumbani kwake mtaa wa Michakaeni Chake chake Pemba.
Balozi Seif Ali Iddi akiwa katika harakati za kuwakagua na kuwapa pole wanaharakati wa chama cha mapinduzi Chake chake Kisiwani Pemba waliopatwa na misiba pamoja na ajali hivi karibuni. Picha na Hassan Issa wa – OMPR – ZNZ.
Mjumbe wa Kamati Kuu ya Halmashauri Kuu ya Taifa ya Chama cha Mapinduzi Balozi Seif Ali Iddi amekemea tabia ya baadhi ya Viongozi wa Chama hicho kuwa na hulka ya kuwatenga Vijana ambao ndio muhimili na wenye nguvu katika kukipigania Chama hicho.
Kauli hiyo aliitoa katika Ukumbi wa Jamuhuri Wete Pemba wakati akizungumza na vijana wa Chama cha Mapinduzi wa kikundi cha Hatudanganyiki mara baada ya kupokea malalamiko yao dhidi ya baadhi ya Viongozi wa Chama hicho Wilaya ya Wete na Mkoa wa Kaskazini Pemba.
Balozi Seif ambae pia ni Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar alisema zipo kasoro ndogo ndogo zinazotofautiana za mawazo zilizopo baina ya Viongozi na Wanachama lakini haziwezi kuachwa zinaendelea kudhoofisha nguvu za Chama hicho.
Aliwaasa wana CCM hao kujiepusha na mgawanyiko ndani ya chama ambao unaweza kuleta balaa na kitu kinachowakabili hivi sasa mbele yao ni kuhakikisha wanapanga mikakati katika kuimarisha nguvu ya chama chao kwa ajili ya ushindi wa mwaka 2015.
Alitahadharisha kwamba hitilafu zinazojichomoza baina ya Viongozi na Wanachama wa chama hicho ni vyema zikatatuliwa na kuishia katika Vikao vya halali na kujiepusha na tabia ya kuitana majina ya ajabu ambayo hutoa mwanya wa kudhoofisha chama.
Balozi Seif alielezea kuunga mkono vijana hao wa CCM wa kundi la hatudanganyiki Kaskazini Pemba kwa ushujaa wao wa kutetea na kuimarisha Chama cha Mapinduzi na Kuuagiza Uongozi wa CCM Wilaya ya Wete pamoja na Mkoa wa Kaskazini Pemba kufuatilia matatizo yanayowakabili Vijana hao na hatimae kuyatatua nay ale wasio na uwezo nayo kuyawasilisha kwa Uongozi wa Juu wa Chama.
“ Mimi kama Mjumbe wa Kamati Kuu ya Halmashauri Kuu ya Taifa ya CCM ambae pia nasimamia shughuli za Serikali ya Chama Tawala nitahakikisha baadhi ya matatizo yenu Vijana nayawasilisha kwa Makamu Mwenyekiti wetu wa CCM Zanzibar ili itafutwe mbinu ya kuyatatua “. Alisisitiza Balozi Seif.
Mjumbe huyo wa Kamati Kuu ya Halmashauri Kuu ya Taifa ya CCM aliwapongeza wana CCM Kisiwani Pemba kwa msimamo wao wa kuendelea kukiunga mkono chama hicho.
Alisema Wanachama wa chama hicho Kisiwani humo ni madhubuti kutokana na kutoyumba kwao licha ya mikiki mikiki wanayopambana nayo kutoka kwa kambi ya upinzani hasa katika nyakati za uchaguzi.
“ Ushindi wa Chama cha Mapinduzi katika uchaguzi Mkuu unategemea sana wana CCM wa upande wa Kisiwa cha Pemba ambao hawatetereki wala kuyumba kutokana na vitisho vya upinzani “. Alisisitiza Balozi Seif.
Balozi Seif aliendelea kufahamisha kwamba nguvu na uhai wa Chama cha Mapinduzi mara zote unategemea jumuiya zake za Wazazi, Vijana na UWT, hivyo Vijana hao wanapaswa kuelewa kwamba wao ni tegemeo la Chama wakati wote.
Mapema Vijana hao wa CCM wa kikundi cha hatudanganyiki wakiongozwa na Mwenyekiti wao Omar Rashid walielezea changamoto wanazokabiliana nazo kila siku katika harakati zao za kuimarisha Chama Cha Mapinduzi.
Walisema asilimia kubwa ya changa moto hizo ambazo zimo ndani ya uwezo wa Viongozi wenyewe zimekuwa zikiwapa wakati mgumu kutokana na udhaifu binafsi uliopo kwa baadhi ya Viongozi wa CCM Wilaya na Mkoa.
Walieleza kwamba upo ushahidi wa wazi unaoonyesha baadhi ya Viongozi wa CCM Wilaya na Mkoa kufuja mali za Chama kwa maslahi yao binafsi pamoja na kujishirirkisha katika vitendo vya rushwa wakati zinapotokea fursa za ajira kwa ajili ya Vijana hao.
Baadaye Balozi Seif alifika katika Kijiji cha Michakaeni Chake Chake Pemba kuipa pole Familia ya Mwanaharakati wa Chama cha Mapinduzi Marehemu Bibi Fatma Omar Khatib ambae aliyefariki dunia hivi karibuni baada ya kupata ajali ya kugongwa na Gari.
Akiifariji Familia hiyo Balozi Seif aliwataka ndugu na jamaa wa marehemu Bibi Fatma Omar Khatib kuwa na moyo wa subra katika kipindi hichi kigumu cha maombolezo.
Alisema msiba huo wa Bibi Fatma ambao utaendelea kukumbukwa katika kipindi kirefu mbali ya kuiathiri familia hiyo lakini pia umewagusa takriban wana chama wa chama cha mapinduzi wote waliopata taarifa ya msiba huo Zanzibar na bara kwa ujumla.
Mjumbe huyo wa Kamati Kuu ya Halmashauri Kuu ya Taifa ya CCM pia alimtembelea Mzee mwanaharakati wa CCM wa miaka mingi Kisiwani Pemba Bibi Habiba Ali Hamadi hapo nyumbani kwake Mtaa wa Michakaeni.
Bibi Habiba mwenye umri wa Miaka 70 aliwahi kupata ajali ya gari wakati wa kampeni za mwanzo za uchaguzi wa vyama vingi vya siasa ambapo CCM iliibuka na ushindi kwa kumuwezesha Dr. Salmin Amour kuiongoza Zanzibar mnamo mwaka 1995.
Balozi Seif alimuahidi Bibi Habiba ambae hadi sasa ni Balozi wa CCM wa nyumba kumbi kwamba Uongozi wa chama cha Mapinduzi utakuwa pamoja na yeye kwa kumpatia misaada kadri hali itakavyoruhusu kutokana na mchango wake mkubwa aliyoitoa ndani ya chama hicho.
Othman Khamis Ame
Ofisi ya Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar
Jumamosi, 20 Julai 2013
Makamu wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, akiwaongoza wananchi na viongozi wengine kupokea Miili ya Askari wa Jeshi la kulinda amani, waliopoteza maisha katika Jimbo la Darfur, wakati miili hiyo ilipokuwa ikiwasili kwenye Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere leo jioni.
Na www.sufianimafoto.com
MAKAMU wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, Dkt. Mohammed Gharib Bilal, leo jioni amewaongoza watanzania kupokea Miili ya Askari wa Jeshi la Ulinzi la Wananchi wa Tanzania (JWTZ) waliopoteza maisha Jimboni Darfur nchini Sudan kutokana na shambulizi la ghafla.
Miili hiyo imewasili kwa ndege maalum katika uwanja wa ndege wa Kimataifa wa Mwalimu Julius Nyerere – Terminal one (Air Wing) leo jioni majira ya saa kumi.
Mbali na Makamu wa Rais, Viongozi wengine waliofika kupokea Miili hiyo, ni pamoja na Mke wa Rais Mama Salma Kikwete, Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar, Balozi Seif Idd na mkewe, Waziri wa Ulinzi, Shamsi Vuai Nahodha, Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Said Mecky Sadick, Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi, Ombeni Sefue, Katibu Mkuu wa CCM Taifa, Abdulhaman Kinana, Mwenyekiti wa CCM Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Nape Nnauye na Ridhiwan Kikwete.
Mara baada ya kuwasili miili hiyo iliongozwa na msafara kuelekea hospitali ya rufaa ya Jeshi, Lugalo, kwa ajili ya kuhifadhiwa hadi siku ya Jumatatu Julai 22, 2013 itakapoagwa rasmi kwa heshima zote katika Uwanja wa Wizara ya Ulinzi na Jeshi la Kujenga Taifa, Upanga Jijini Dar es Salaam, ambapo ni Makao Makuu ya Jeshi Mkabala na Ukumbi wa Diamond Jubilee kuanzia majira ya saa tatu asubuhi.
Waandishi wa habari mnaombwa kuhudhuria na kufanya ‘Coverage’ katika mapokezi na hatimaye siku ya kuaga miili hiyo ya mashujaa wetu waliopoteza maisha wakitetea amani duniani.
Makamu wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania, akiwaongoza wananchi na viongozi wengine kupokea Miili ya Askari wa Jeshi la kulinda amani, waliopoteza maisha katika Jimbo la Darfur, wakati miili hiyo ilipokuwa ikiwasili kwenye Uwanja wa Ndege wa Kimataifa wa Julius Nyerere leo jioni.
Makamu wa Rais, Viongozi wengine waliofika kupokea Miili hiyo, Mke wa Rais Mama Salma Kikwete, Makamu wa Pili wa Rais wa Zanzibar, Balozi Seif Idd na mkewe, Waziri wa Ulinzi, Shamsi Vuai Nahodha, Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam, Said Mecky Sadick, Katibu Mkuu Kiongozi, Ombeni Sefue, Katibu Mkuu wa CCM Taifa, Abdulhaman Kinana, Mwenyekiti wa CCM Mkoa wa Dar es Salaam.
Askari wakishusha majeneza yenye miili ya askari wenzao waliofariki dunia huko Darfur.
Baadhi ya wananchi waliofika kupokea na kushuhudia mapokezi hayo ya miili ya mashujaa wetu.
Mama mmoja ambaye hakuweza kufahamika jina lake, ambaye ni mmoja kati ya wafiwa akilia kwa uchungu baada ya kuona majeneza yakishushwa kwenye ndege.
Mama mmoja ambaye hakuweza kufahamika jina lake, ambaye ni mmoja kati ya wafiwa akishikiliwa na wenzake wakati akilia kwa uchungu baada ya kuona majeneza yakishushwa kwenye ndege.
Askari wa Jeshi wakijipanga kupokea miili hiyo kwa heshima.
Mama mmoja ambaye hakuweza kufahamika jina lake, ambaye ni mmoja kati ya wafiwa akilia kwa uchungu baada ya kuona majeneza yakishushwa kwenye ndege.
Nape Nnauye na Ridhiwan Kikwete, wakiwa ni miongoni mwa waliohudhuria.
Msafara wa magari ya Jeshi yaliyobeba miili hiyo ukianza safari ya kuelekea Lugalo.
Jumapili, 7 Julai 2013
*Crash landing at San Francisco airport kills 2

At least two people died in the crash, while another 181 people were taken to hospitals, most with minor injuries, authorities said. Five people, including one child, remained in critical condition at San Francisco General Hospital, the region's main trauma center.
As the plane approached the runway from the waters of San Francisco Bay around noon, travelers in the terminals and others eyewitnesses could see that the aircraft was swaying unusually from side to side and that at one point the tail seemed to hit the ground.
Kate Belding, who was jogging a few miles away, said she thought: "Oh my God. That plane is crashing."
By the time the flames were out, the top of the Boeing 777's fuselage had burned away. The tail section was gone, with pieces of it scattered across the beginning of the runway. One engine appeared to have broken away. Emergency responders could be seen walking inside the burned-out wreckage.
News of the crash spread quickly on Twitter and the Internet in this wired city, with eyewitnesses tweeting their stories, posting images of the plumes of smoke rising above the bay and uploading video of passengers fleeing the burning plane.
"It just looked really bad," Belding said. "I've seen the pictures of it since then, and it's amazing anyone walked out of that plane."
The investigation has been turned over to the FBI and terrorism has been ruled out, said San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White said. Federal aviation and transportation investigators were heading to the scene. Asiana, Boeing and the engine manufacturer, Pratt & Whitney, pledged to work with them.
Vedpal Singh, who was sitting in the middle of the aircraft and survived the crash with his family, said there was no forewarning from the pilot or any crew members before the plane touched down hard and he heard a loud sound.
"We knew something was horrible wrong," said Singh, who suffered a fractured collarbone and had his arm was in a sling.
"It's miraculous we survived," he said.
A visibly shaken Singh said the plane went silent before people tried to get out anyway they could. His 15-year-old son said luggage tumbled from the overhead bins The entire incident lasted about 10 seconds.
Based on witness accounts in the news and video of the wreckage, Mike Barr, a former military pilot and accident investigator who teaches aviation safety at the University of Southern California, said it appeared the plane approached the runway too low and something may have caught the runway lip — the seawall at the end of the runway.
San Francisco is one of several airports around the country that border bodies of water that have walls at the end of their runways to prevent planes that overrun a runway from ending up in the water.
Since the plane was about to land, its landing gear would have already been down, Barr said. It's possible the landing gear or the tail of the plane hit the seawall, he said. If that happened, it would effectively slam the plane into the runway, he said.
Noting that some witnesses reported hearing the plane's engines rev up just before the crash, Barr said that would be consistent with a pilot who realized at the last minute that the plane was too low and was increasing power to the engines to try to increase altitude. Barr said he could think of no reason why a plane would come in to land that low.
Belding was out jogging just before 11:30 a.m. on a path across the water from the airport when she noticed the plane approaching the runway in a way that "just didn't look like it was coming in quite right."
"Then all of a sudden I saw what looked like a cloud of dirt puffing up and then there was a big bang and it kind of looked like the plane maybe bounced (as it neared the ground)," she said. "I couldn't really tell what happened, but you saw the wings going up and (in) a weird angle."
"Not like it was cartwheeling," she said, but rather as though the wings were almost swaying from side to side.
The flight originated in Shanghai, China, and stopped over in Seoul, South Korea, before coming to San Francisco, airport officials said. The airline said there were 16 crew members aboard, and the 291 passengers included 77 South Koreans, 141 Chinese, 61 Americans and one Japanese citizen. The nationalities of the remaining passengers weren't immediately known.
Airport spokesman Doug Yakel said 49 people were in serious condition and 132 had less significant injuries.
The airport closed for several hours, and when it reopened, two of the four runways were operating.
Asiana is a South Korean airline, second in size to national carrier Korean Air. It has recently tried to expand its presence in the United States, and joined the Star Alliance, which is anchored in the U.S. by United Airlines.
The 777-200 is a long-range plane from Boeing. The twin-engine aircraft is one of the world's most popular long-distance planes, often used for flights of 12 hours or more, from one continent to another. The airline's website says its 777s can carry between 246 to 300 passengers.
The flight was 10 hours and 23 minutes, according to FlightAware, a flight tracking service. The 777 is a smaller, wide-body jet that can travel long distances without refueling and is typically used for long flights over water.
The most notable accident involving a 777 occurred on Jan. 17, 2008 at Heathrow Airport in London. British Airways Flight 28 landed hard about 1,000 feet short of the runway and slid onto the start of the runway. The impact broke the 777-200's landing gear. There were 47 injuries, but no fatalities.
An investigation revealed ice pellets that had formed in the fuel were clogging the fuel-oil heat exchanger, blocking fuel from reaching the plane's engines. The Rolls-Royce Trent 800 series engines that were used on the plane were then redesigned.
Bill Waldock, an expert on aviation accident investigation, said he was reminded of the Heathrow accident as he watched video of Saturday's crash. "Of course, there is no indication directly that's what happened here," he said. "That's what the investigation is going to have to find out."
The Asiana 777 "was right at the landing phase and for whatever reason the landing went wrong," said Waldock, director of the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University accident investigation laboratory in Prescott, Ariz.
"For whatever reason, they appeared to go low on approach and then the airplane pitched up suddenly to an extreme attitude, which could have been the pilots trying to keep it out of the ground," he said.
The last time a large U.S. airline lost a plane in a fatal crash was an American Airlines Airbus A300 taking off from John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York in 2001.
Asia remains one of the fastest-growing regions for aviation in the world. Even with slowing economies in Japan and China, airlines there saw 3.7 percent more passengers than a year ago, according to the International Air Transport Association.
Finding enough experienced pilots to meet a growing number of flights is becoming a problem. A 2012 report by aircraft manufacturer Boeing said the industry would need 460,000 new commercial airline pilots in the next two decades — with 185,000 of them needed in Asia alone.
"The Asia-Pacific region continues to present the largest projected growth in pilot demand," the report said.
Alhamisi, 4 Julai 2013
*Harusi fashion show now in its Fourth Year
Harusi fashion show now in its Fourth Year
The fourth edition of the Tanzania first and premier wedding show preparation are all under way slated to be held this year on 6th July at Hyatt Kilimanjaro filled with the very best of wedding suppliers and stakeholders for all wedding requirements.
The founder and the organizer of this huge and remarkable annual event Mustafa Hassanali stated “Now in its Fourth year, the event is growing Bigger and Better compared to previous years and we look forward to the growth of the Wedding industry and its stakeholders”
True to the quote, this years wedding show has already attracted more wedding gown designers and bridal boutique owners most of them who have been participating since its inception in 2010. The Wedding show will take place from 7pm onwards.
“Wedding is the union of families and communities, a once in a life time indulgence, so our plan is to give the astute bride and grooms all their requirements they need under one roof, and this is the perfect time for them and their friends and family to see and experience all the services and products for their big day” said PR and Media Manager Esi Mgimba
The Harusi trade Fair brings various wedding related vendors and suppliers all together, a melting and networking point for only the best in the Tanzanian Wedding Industry thus making Harusi Fashion Show a premier Wedding Show in Tanzania. The designers and bridal boutiques showcasing at this years event are An Nisaa Abayas, Manjuu, The Wedding Kingdom, Mustafa Hassanali, Gracella Bridal Boutique, Sinta Bridal lounge, Twaiba Classic Wear and The Brand House
The following will be exhibiting at Harusi Fashion Show ,Rupam Stores LTD, Wedding Kingdom Boutique, AVP, MC Luvanda, Flying Chefs, Mbezi Garden Hotel , The Cake Shop, Liquid Lab, Gogo Shop, Queens Gems & Jewellers, Asila Bridal Packages, Harusi Nzuri, Malaika Media, E – Cakes, VanRoy, Omni Studios and Shayland Photogenic
We urge the public to attend this show in Large Numbers so as to appreciate creativity, and the entrance to the show will be 50,000 tsh for the front row VIP seats and 20,000 tsh for normal seats, support Tanzanian enterprises and promote Made In Tanzania products” concluded Ms. Mgimba
Harusi Trade Fair 2013 is proudly sponsored by 361 Degrees, Clouds FM, Clouds TV, Events lite, Prime Advertising, Century Cinemax and Baileys Cream and Spirit.
Jumatano, 3 Julai 2013
JB akifanya mazoezi ya maandalizi ya ndondi akijiandaa kuzichapa na Mbunge Idd Azan, katika tamasha la matumaini julai 7.
*Travel to Dubai June 2013 to July 2013 # 4Days 3Nights only 349$
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